Content advisory: Some place names and name records on The BC Geographical Names Web App contain historical terminology that is considered racist, offensive and derogatory. The BC Geographical Names Office is in the process of addressing offensive place names, but the work is still ongoing.
Geographical names are more than labels on maps and road signs. They can reveal patterns of settlement, exploration and migration, and mirror outside influences to our history - aspects of the heritage and promise of an area that might otherwise be overlooked or forgotten by visitors and later generations.
To get started:
Type in a place name above and click the button, or
Choose a search type from the list above and specify the corresponding search criteria.
An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard in place name searches.
Search results are listed in the Search Results tab, as well as on the map with blue markers (official names) and yellow markers (unofficial names). Click the markers for more information. You can zoom in and out on the map using your mouse wheel, or the +/- buttons in the corner of the map. Click and drag the map to move it as needed.
To find links to showcase maps and learn more about geographical names in B.C. visit the webpage of the BC Geographical Names Office.