Origin Notes and History:
Decision in 18th Report.
Source: Canadian Geographical Names Database, Ottawa
"Called Bear River in 1833 by David Douglas of fir tree fame. (BCHQ 4:242). "R. a la Ours" (Bear River) on Anderson Map, 1867; "Bears R." on Trutch Map, 1871; and still commonly called Bear Creek. Changed to Lambly Creek by Geographic Board of Canada in 1922, after Charles Anderson Richardson Lambly, pre-emptor of lot 220, near Peachland, 1 March 1887; previously on CPR survey; government agent at Rock Creek and Camp McKinney; also at Osoyoos, 1892-98, and at Fairview until his death, 29 January 1907; survived by his widow Hester Haynes, daughter of John Carmichael Haynes, and brothers Robert and Thomas McKie Lambly, Enderby pioneers, 1876-77." (12th Report of the Okanagan Historical Society, 1948, citing their 6th Report, information from BC Chief Geographer, and Hester White)
Source: included with note