Feature Type:Locality - A named place or area, generally with a scattered population of 50 or less.
Status: Official
Name Authority: BC Geographical Names Office
Relative Location: At junction of Skeena and Bulkley Rivers, adjacent to Hazelton, Cassiar Land District
Latitude-Longitude: 55°14'57"N, 127°40'47"W at the approximate population centre of this feature.
Datum: WGS84
NTS Map: 93M/4
Origin Notes and History:

Adopted 19 February 1976 on 93M; a well-established name.

Source: BC place name cards, files, correspondence and/or research by BC Chief Geographer/Geographical Names Office.

This strategic site, overlooking the junction of the Bulkley and Skeena Rivers, is near the ancient village of Gitaanmax. 'Ksan (the Gitxsan name for the Skeena River) is a replicated ancient Gitsxan village and cultural interpretive centre; the Skeena Treasure House, constructed in the 1940's to house and display Gitxsan antiquities and material culture, was moved from Hazelton to this site in 1969.

Source: BC place name cards, files, correspondence and/or research by BC Chief Geographer/Geographical Names Office.

"For centuries and possibly millennia, Gitxsan’s have maintained communities at important canyons and junctions on the Skeena River. This location was an important fishing site and transportation hub.

As a replicated ancient village, ‘Ksan illustrates many features of a Gitxsan village from the distant past. For example, like its predecessors, ‘Ksan’s houses form a single line with each building facing the river. From this position, the large decorated house fronts and totem poles of the village are visible from the water. In conjunction with other features, such as the smoke house and food cache, ‘Ksan illustrates characteristics typical of a past Gitxsan village." (https://ksan.org/village/)

Source: included with note