Fort Langley National Historic Site of Canada
Feature Type:Lieu historique national - (National Historic Site) A place declared to be of national historic interest or significance by the Minister responsible for the administration of the Historic Sites and Monuments Acts.
Status: Official
Name Authority: BC Geographical Names Office
Relative Location: At Fort Langley, S side Fraser River opposite MacMillan Island, New Westminster Land District
Latitude-Longitude: 49°09'59"N, 122°34'34"W at the approximate centre of this feature.
Datum: WGS84
NTS Map: 92G/2
Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship - GeoBC Branch
Origin Notes and History:

Fort Langley National Historic Park and Parc historique national du Fort-Langley were adopted 30 April 1987 on Parks list on Ottawa file 203-19, surrounding the property that had been designated in 1923 as Fort Langley National Historic Site. Confirmed 30 June 1989 on Parks list 203-19. Fort Langley National Historic Site and lieu historique national du Fort-Langley are identified in "Canada's Geographical Names Approved in English and in French" published by the Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, August 1994. The French form of the name was subsequently corrected to "Lieu historique national..." (ie. upper case L ). Parks Canada no longer uses the term 'national historic park' and the designation for the entire property was changed to Fort Langley National Historic Site of Canada and Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort Langley on 12 October 2004, per PC 2004-1160: National Historic Sites of Canada Order.

Source: included with note

The original fort was constructed in 1827 but moved to its present location 4 km upstream in 1839. "Built in 1839, Fort Langley was part of the Hudson's Bay Company's network of fur trading posts across what is now Western Canada." (Parks Canada brochure) "Fort Langley was designated as a site of national significance in 1923 by the Government of Canada. The site was commemorated for its associations with the fur trade activities of the Hudson's Bay Company west of the Rockies, for its role in reinforcing British/Canadian political interest on the Pacific Coast and as the site where the Colony of British Columbia was proclaimed on November 19, 1858." (Parks Canada's National Historic Sites website, April 1999). See NHS brochure for additional interpretive history.

Source: included with note