Mount Burgess
Feature Type:Mount - Variation of Mountain: Mass of land prominently elevated above the surrounding terrain, bounded by steep slopes and rising to a summit and/or peaks. ["Mount" preceding the name usually indicates that the feature is named after a person.]
Status: Official
Name Authority: BC Geographical Names Office
Relative Location: N side Kicking Horse River in Yoho National Park, NE of Golden, Kootenay Land District
Latitude-Longitude: 51°25'12"N, 116°30'19"W at the approximate centre of this feature.
Datum: WGS84
NTS Map: 82N/7
Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship - GeoBC Branch
Origin Notes and History:

Adopted in the 5th Report of the Geographic Board of Canada, 30 June 1904, as labelled on Rocky Mountains - Lake Louise sheet, 1902. Also Burgess Pass.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office

Named c1886 by Otto J. Klotz, Dominion topographical surveyor, after Alexander M. Burgess, Deputy Minister of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, 1883-97.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office

Mount Burgess is shown on the back of the Canadian $10 bill.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office