Origin Notes and History:
Adopted 5 February 1924 (Ottawa file OBF 1836), as labelled on British Admiralty Chart 580, 1865 et seq. Decision on 92/NW. Previously adopted in 18th Report, 1924. Shown on BC Map 2C, 1923. Passed by Geological Board of Canada February 5, 1924 in OBF 0836. After Robert Homfray, C.E. (1824-1902), a native of Worcestershire who arrived in Victoria from California in 1859. He was a very competent civil engineer, and worked for a while on the C.P.R. surveys. He was also an eccentric and, while still alive, had his tombstone erected in Ross Bay cemetery, Victoria, from; Akrigg, G.P.V. and Helen B., 1001 British Columbia Place Names, Discovery Press, Vancouver, 3rd edition, 1973, page 84.
Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office
"After Robert Homfray, C.E. (1824-1902), a native of Worcestershire who arrived in Victoria from California in 1859. He was a very competent civil engineer, and worked for a while on the CPR surveys. He was also an eccentric and, while still alive, had his tombstone erected in Ross Bay cemetery, Victoria."
Source: Akrigg, Helen B. and Akrigg, G.P.V; 1001 British Columbia Place Names; Discovery Press, Vancouver 1969, 1970, 1973.