Feature Type:Community - An unincorporated populated place, generally with a population of 50 or more, and having a recognized central area that might contain a post office, store and/or community hall, etc, intended for the use of the general public in the region.
Status: Official
Name Authority: BC Geographical Names Office
Relative Location: Between Eagle and Inonoaklin Creeks on W side of Lower Arrow Lake, Kootenay Land District
Latitude-Longitude: 49°46'50"N, 118°08'35"W at the approximate population centre of this feature.
Datum: WGS84
NTS Map: 82E/16
Origin Notes and History:

Killarney (Village) adopted in the 5th Report of the Geographic Board of Canada, 30 June 1904, as labelled on Perry's 1893 Mining Map; BC Lands 1897 & 1902 maps of the West Kootenay District, and as identified in 1901 BC Mines Report, p.1129. Edgewood labelled on BC map 1EM, 1915. Edgewood (PO & Str Ldg) identified in 1930 BC Gazetteer [no listing for Killarney]. Killarney (Village) rescinded and Edgewood (Post Office & Steamer Landing) was adopted 3 November 1949 on Columbia Basin manuscript # 16 (file C.2.49). Form of name changed to Edgewood (Post Office) 17 October 1966; changed to Edgewood (Community) 31 December 1981.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office

Note that Topping's Index of British Columbia Post Offices indicates that Edgewood Post Office was opened 1 July 1902. No listing for Killarney Post Office. CPR Steamer service discontinued in April 1954; Interior Tug & Transport Co's service discontinued soon thereafter.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office

According to postmaster's reply to the 1905 survey by Canada's Chief Geographer, "Edgewood...was named after a company that started a dairy here around 1901."

Source: Chief Geographer's Place Name Survey, 1905 (letters from BC Postmasters to James White, Canada's Chief Geographer)