Feature Type: | Railway Point - A named railway siding, junction, flag stop or timing point with or without an agent. |
Status: |
Name Authority: |
BC Geographical Names Office |
Relative Location: |
On CNR, S side of Nechako River above Stuart River, W of Prince George, Cariboo Land District |
Latitude-Longitude: |
53°58'59"N, 123°36'05"W at the approximate population centre of this feature. |
Datum: |
WGS84 |
NTS Map: |
93G/13 |
Origin Notes and History:
"Finmoore (Post Office & Station), not Stuart River (Post Office), nor Stuart (Station)" identified in the 1930 BC Gazetteer. Finmoore (Post Office & Station) confirmed 7 October 1948 on 93J. Identified as Finmoore (Station) in the 1966 BC Gazetteer. Form of name changed to Finmoore (Railway Point) 15 July 1983 on 93G/13.
Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office
GTPR station named "Stuart" identified on BC Lands' map 3A, 1915, and BC Lands' map 1G, 1916. Stuart River Post Office was opened 1 October 1919. Name changed to Finmoore Post Office 1 April 1923, Percy Moore, postmaster. Moore was postmaster from 29 September 1921 to September 1926, and again from 14 July 1928 to 20 August 1946. Finmoore Post Office was closed 31 October 1956; at the time of closing, the post office was situated on L16, Bk 6 of Lot 829, Cariboo Dist.
Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office
"The location was a watering point for the CNR engines. After a time there was a store and post office here. Percy Moore ran the store/post office. To the north, across the Nechako River, Ronald Kingsmill Finlaison homesteaded around 1910. When it came to naming the train stop they combined "Fin" from Finlaison and "Moore" from Percy Moore. Ronald Finlaison was born in Victoria 12 October 1875 and died at Fort St. James 2 February 1948. Samuel Denison homesteaded at Chilco - not too far from Finmoore; his daughter Eva married Ronald Finlaison." (October 2005 advice from John Burns, Delta, great-grandson of Sam Denison and great-nephew of Eva and Ronald Finlaison)
Source: included with note
"Percy Moore was born in 1873 at Herne Bay in Kent, eldest son of Robert and Fanny Moore, owners of the Kent Coast Stores - a sizeable grocers shop. Percy came to BC after leaving school, and set up business [here] probably well before it became a post office. His first wife, Ruth, died and he married again Lois; there were daughters but no sons, so the family name died out in Canada." (March 2010 advice from nephew John Moore [son of Percy's younger brother Ernest], Chudleigh, Devon, UK). Subsequent whereabouts not confirmed, but family correspondence indicates that Percy Moore and his wife Lois relocated to the Vancouver area in the post-war years; one Percy Moore, age 82, died at North Vancouver in 1954.
Source: included with note