Geomark Attributes

The following table describes the attributes of a geomark returned from the geomark info resource.

Label Attribute(s) Description
ID id The geomark ID (e.g gm-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0000bc).
URL url The geomark URL. (e.g
Geometry Type geometryType The type of geometry (e.g. Polygon, Point, LineString, MultPolygon, MultiLineString, or MultiPoint).
Geometry Count numParts The number of parts to the geomark's geometry.
Creation Date createDate The date (YYYY-MM-DD) the geomark was created (e.g 2010-09-30).
Expiry Date expiryDate The date (YYYY-MM-DD) the geomark expires or empty if the geomark is registered with a BC Government application and will be kept as long as it remains registered. (e.g. 2010-12-31).
Bounding Box (W,S,E,N) minX, minY, maxX, maxY The bounding box of the geometry in lat, lon coordinates.
Centroid (lat, lon) centroidX, centroidY The lat, lon coordinates of the centroid of the geomark's geometry.
Vertex Count numVertices The total number of vertices of the geomark's geometries.
Length length The total length in metres (m) of the geomark's geometries.
Area area The total area in square metres (m2) or on the HTML form hectares (ha) of the geomark's geometries.
Is Geometry Valid isValid Boolean flag indicating if the Geometry is valid acording to the OGC Simple Features specification.
Is Geometry Simple isSimple Boolean flag indicating if the Geometry is simple acording to the OGC Simple Features specification.
Is Geometry Robust isRobust Boolean flag indicating if the minimum clearance of the geometry is >= 1 m.
Minimum Clearance minimumClearance The minimum clearance defines the distance in metres that all points of the geometry could be moved and the geometry still be valid.
View in (Google Maps) googleMapsUrl The URL to display the geomark on a Google Map. (e.g
View in (Google Earth) googleEarthUrl The URL to download and display the geomark in Google Earth. (e.g. )
Resource Links resourceLinks

The resource links are included in the geomark info xml and json formats and contains one link for each of the different representations of the geomark info and geomark download pages. Each link includes the following fields.

Name Description
title The display title of the resource (e.g. Info HTML representation of Geomark gm-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0000bc).
href The URL to download the resource.
resource The name of the type of geomark resource.
format The file extension of the file formats to return the geomark in.
mediaType The MIME-Type of the file formats to return the geomark in.
srid The srid of the coordinate system to return the geometry in. Not used for the info resource.

Download Geomark Resources

The table below shows the supported download geomark resource names. Click the resource name to view a sample of that type.

Resource Name Feature Type Description
parts GeomarkPart One or more GeomarkPart feature records, each with all the attributes and the Polygon, LineString, or Point geometry for that part. The min|max(x|y), centroid(x|y), numVertices, and area attributes are calculated for that part's geometry. The id will be prefixed with '#<partIndex> of '.
feature Geomark A single Geomark feature record with all the attributes except partIndex and a Polygon, LineString, Point, MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, or MultiPoint geometry.
point GeomarkPoint A single GeomarkPoint feature record with the id and url attributes and a point geometry. The point is the centroid, or another random point which is inside the geomark's geometry boundary. The centroid is calculated after converting the geometry to the requested coordinate system.
boundingBox GeomarkBoundingBox A single GeomarkBoundingBox feature record with the id and url and a polygon geometry. The polygon represents the bounding box of the geomark's geometry parts. It has a vertex at each corner of the bounding box of the geomark's geometry geometries. The bounding box is calculated after converting the geometry to the requested coordinate system.