Hull Island
Feature Type:Island - Land area surrounded by water or marsh.
Status: Official
Name Authority: BC Geographical Names Office
Relative Location: E of East Cracroft Island in Havannah Channel, N side of Johnstone Strait, Range 1 Coast Land District
Latitude-Longitude: 50°33'01"N, 126°12'18"W at the approximate centre of this feature.
Datum: WGS84
NTS Map: 92L/9
Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship - GeoBC Branch
Origin Notes and History:

Adopted 5 April 1938 on 92L, as labelled on British Admiralty Chart #581, 1865 et seq. Re-approved 6 April 1950 on 92/NW.

Source: BC place name cards, correspondence and/or research by BC Chief Geographer & Geographical Names Office staff.

"Named c1860 by Captain Richards, RN, after Thomas Arthur Hull, master of HMS Havannah under Captain Thomas Harvey. On this station 1855-59. Hull joined the surveying vessel Herald, Captain Kellett, as master's assistant in 1845, and remained in her until the close of the commission in 1851. Second master of the Plover, Cmdr R. Maguire, with the Bering Strait searching expedition 1852-54 [searching for Franklin et al], especially charged with the magnetic observations, the results of which were communicated to the Royal Society by General Sabine. During the Havannah's commission he was specially zealous in surveying whenever possible, and at the end of commission was presented by the Admiralty with a sextant in recognition of his zeal in this respect. Employed afterwards in surveying the coast of Syria, the Ionian Islands, and in the Red Sea and Mediterranean; staff commander 1867; naval assistant, hydrographic office 1866-1873; superintendent of charts 1873-78, when he retired with the rank of commander. He published a small work entitled "Practical Nautical Surveying" and largely assisted Captain Bedford, RN, in the compilation of his famous "Sailor's Pocket Book" and in 1891 revised, in a very judicious manner, Raper's "Epitome of Navigation." Died March 1905."

Source: Walbran, John T; "British Columbia Coast Names, 1592-1906: Their Origin and History"; published for the Geographic Board of Canada, Ottawa, 1909 (republished for the Vancouver Public Library by J.J. Douglas Ltd, Vancouver, 1971)