Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship - GeoBC Branch
Origin Notes and History:
Adopted 6 April 1950 on 92/NW, as labelled on Admiralty Chart 582, 1865 et seq, and on BC map 2C, 1919.
Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office
"Named in 1865 by Captain Pender, after Admiral Byron Drury, RN, who in 1850 succeeded Lieutenant Commander James Wood as commander of the surveying vessel Pandora on the termination of her commission in the Pacific, her next station being Australia.... The following names around Drury Inlet are those of officers serving on the Pandora under Captain Drury: Mount Kerr, after Thomas Kerr, RN, master; Mount Jolliffe, after John Jolliffe, RN, surgeon. Pandora Head, after the vessel."
Source: Walbran, John T; British Columbia Coast Names, 1592-1906: their origin and history; Ottawa, 1909 (republished for the Vancouver Public Library by J.J. Douglas Ltd, Vancouver, 1971)