Feature Type:Locality - A named place or area, generally with a scattered population of 50 or less.
Status: Official
Name Authority: BC Geographical Names Office
Relative Location: On CNR, W side Fraser River just SE of McBride, Cariboo Land District
Latitude-Longitude: 53°14'10"N, 120°04'09"W at the approximate population centre of this feature.
Datum: WGS84
NTS Map: 93H/1
Origin Notes and History:

Eddy (station) identified in the 1930 BC Gazetteer, as labelled on BC Lands' map 3H, 1919. Form of name changed to Eddy (locality) 31 May 1983 on 93H/1.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office

Eddy Post Office was opened 12 February 1945, situated on Lot 5302 a few hundred feet north of the CNR station; Post Office was closed 13 June 1947.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office

Note that identification of Eddy Station in 1910 instruction from Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to Geographic Board of Canada (and subsequent listing in 1912, 1917, 1924 Reports of the Geographic Board of Canada) refer to the GTPR station on the Skeena River, not to this location on the upper Fraser River.

Source: BC place name cards, or correspondence to/from BC's Chief Geographer or BC Geographical Names Office