Potato Point
Feature Type:Point - Land area jutting into a water feature; also used for a convex change in direction of a shoreline.
Status: Official
Name Authority: BC Geographical Names Office
Relative Location: W side of head of Bute Inlet, Range 1 Coast Land District
Latitude-Longitude: 50°55'37"N, 124°51'26"W at the approximate centre of this feature.
Datum: WGS84
NTS Map: 92K/15
Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship - GeoBC Branch
Origin Notes and History:

Adopted 6 November 1952 on 92K, as labelled on British Admiralty Chart 2870, 1867 et seq, and as identified in the 1930 BC Gazetteer.

Source: BC place name cards, files, correspondence and/or research by BC Chief Geographer/Geographical Names Office.